Is Intro Right For me?

Despite VCs controlling the startup narrative, only around .6% of all businesses ever raise venture capital. Debt and other forms of equity efficient funding are far more widely available and appropriate for businesses than most in the traditional startup ecosystem realize.

That said, while there are amazing benefits such as retaining ownership and control of the business, the financial products offered by our network of partners may not be right for your business needs.

In taking on funding that requires monthly repayment, it is important to have confidence that the business will have the ability to repay in the agreed upon timeline.

Because repayment is required whether times are good or bad, debt can increase the highs but also increase the lows. If you’re a Real Business with strong revenue growth and/or clear line of sight to profitability, the following considerations will be important to keep in mind.

Intro may be Right For You if revenues are strong and you’re looking to —

  • Invest more heavily into proven sales and marketing channels

  • Keep up with inventory or other working capital needs

  • Open new physical locations or distribution channels

  • Hire staff to support business growth

  • Acquire companies that deliver immediate results to your business

  • Refinance existing debt to improve cash flow

  • Launch new products that will accelerate revenue growth


  • Your company is still pre-product

  • The business has less than $5,000 in monthly revenue.



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