What does INTRO cost?
INTRO is free.
Who makes INTRO?
INTRO is a product from Indie.vc. We saw the need for our portfolio companies to easily understand and access the financial products available to them. So we built it.
How Long does making an INTRO profile take?
Five to ten minutes. You’ll just need to know some of your financial performance data.
What Kind of Company fits INTRO best?
INTRO is industry-agnostic. We don’t focus only on tech or SaaS businesses. We’ve facilitated funding for coffee companies, RV dealers, SaaS companies, and everything in between. INTRO is currently only available to US and Canada-based companies, but we’re expanding quickly.
What funding options are available on INTRO?
The INTRO Partner Network offers non-dilutive capital. The funding options can be in the form of debt and non-debt financing options. See all our available options.
When I’m done filling out my profile, will I receive a list of rates or a term sheet?
No — we help you understand what funding options are available to you based on the numbers you provide. You select which you’d like and we share your anonymized data with those INTRO partners. If they indicate interest, we provide a personalized introduction email. We do not reveal our partners until the INTRO email.
Do I have to use Quickbooks to create my INTRO profile?
No. By using Quickbooks, we can automatically keep your funding options up to date and email you when new options become available. But you can always manually enter your company data and update it in your profile.
Who can see my data?
We do not share your identity with our partners before an INTRO email. If you request an INTRO, we provide an anonymized company profile to the potential partner. They can accept or reject the INTRO based on your high-level business profile, but they never know your identity. See our privacy policy.
Do you vet the INTRO Partner Network?
We vet every funding partner before adding them to the INTRO Partner network to ensure we don't have any predatory or unfair dealings in our network. If you have a poor experience, please email us at intro@indie.vc.