SAVING Founders

INTRO provides access to equity-efficient funding options that fit your business


INTRO is designed to simplify the complex process of discovering
non-dilutive funding sources

INTRO works through a double opt-in process. Fill out an Intro Request form and we match it with our large — and growing — pool of equity-efficient funding partners. All information provided will remain confidential and anonymised, minimising the risk of potential biases.

We provide you with potential options and answer any questions you have. If you opt-in, we reach out to the funding partners with your details. If they’d like to talk more, we make the introduction.


In Private Beta

We’re opening INTRO up to more people in the coming weeks. Request an invite to be among the first who receive access.


Intro to Finance

Every Thursday, we’re sending out a newsletter answering a question or speaking on a financing topic. Our goal is to provide easily digestible financial knowledge every week. Have a finance question you want answered?